Season of the Deep takes players to Saturn’s moon of Titan and lets them explore a vast ocean, go fishing, participate in a new six-player activity called Salvage (which is about collecting materials), gain some seasonal weapons and armor, and more. This is just a taste of what’s in the Destiny 2 update. All of the various bits of armor are 2,000 Silver. The Last of Us ship and Sparrow are 1,000 Silver, while the Ghost Shell is 800 Silver.

The Ratchet & Clank emote is 1,200 Silver. These cosmetics can be found in the Eververse and costs various amounts of Silver. For Jin’s getup, it was imperative to keep the samurai outfit Jin is known for, especially the recognizable mask, and put a sci-fi spin on it. For Kratos’ gear, the team tried to hone in on his iconic tattoos, Blades of Chaos, and Guardian Shield, as well as the beard he has in the Nordic games. For the Aloy armor, it was key to mesh the technology and hand-crafted feel of Horizon’s world with Destiny’s science fiction aesthetic. Various members from the original developers chimed in to talk about fusing these disparate franchises. At the same time, it presents the question of whether it would be possible to play such a huge title like this on Android.Buy Destiny 2: Forsaken – Legendary Collection for $16.99 It’s not like the PS4 remaster doesn’t hold up. The Last of Us is an interesting game that may not offer anything close to the experience found in the original title, but it does let you enjoy excellent graphics (for an Android title), and a good control system. In some ways, The Last of Us Part I seems superfluous, given the relatively young age of the original, which is still very accessible. Luckily, you have both a handgun and a rocket launcher to help protect you. That is, you can only move around a deserted setting, similar to the urban scenes in The Last of Us, while you fight against some 'clickers.' The enemies simply appear in one area of the setting and advance toward you to try to hit you. This version of the game is little more than a simple game sample.

Tess, Joel's partner, will follow you around at all times, but you can't control her. On the left side of the screen, you have the virtual movement stick that lets you control Joel, while on the right you have all the action buttons: crouch, shoot aim, reload, and change weapons. The controls in The Last of Us are incredibly intuitive. This peculiar adaptation however, which takes up little more than 120 megabytes, attempts to bring a few of the game's aspects to Android. It's incredible scope and graphics would be hard to transfer to the mobile world. The Last of Us is one of the best titles that exists for Playstation 3 and Playstation 4.